Free 60-Day Trial
In two minds about Moasure?
Try Moasure risk-free with our 60-day trial
If you’re wondering just how much of a difference Moasure will make to your measuring, the best thing to do is give it a go and see how motion-based measuring works. Enjoy fast, accurate measuring, or get your money back!
We’re confident that Moasure will transform your workflow; with tens of thousands of devices sold and more than 300,000 miles measured worldwide, we make sure each Moasure device meets our high standards of accuracy and precision.
That’s why we can confidently offer a 60-day risk-free trial with every single order, complete with free access to the Moasure app.
With a return rate of under 2%, around 98% of our customers are saving time and measuring more accurately – are you ready to join them?
If you’re not saving time with faster, accurate measurements within 60 days, we’ll issue you with a full refund.
Simply put everything you ordered from us back into its original packaging, including accessories, ensuring it’s all in a sellable condition (we know you have to use it), and we’ll give you a refund, no questions asked. Get in touch with Customer Support, and return your Moasure order to us within 60 days of purchase.