Moasure was a favourite at the UK’s leading road and highways tradeshow

From 6th – 8th June, the Moasure team attended Traffex at the NEC in Birmingham, UK which was co-located with Parkex. Over the three-day event, Moasure showcased the impressive capabilities of its award-winning motion-based measuring device, Moasure ONE, to professionals in the road and highways industry.

It was a great opportunity for them to meet so many different businesses in the industry and show them exactly how this device can change the way they measure within their business.

Moasure ONE is a groundbreaking solution that makes measuring complex spaces easy. This revolutionary pocket-sized tool has gained recognition for its unique features, measuring without the need for phone signal or GPS. 

By seamlessly connecting to your smartphone via Bluetooth, Moasure ONE enables real-time measurements through its companion app, Moasure PRO. The app generates comprehensive 3D diagrams of job sites, making it more straightforward than ever before for users, their colleagues and customers to visualise and analyse measurements.  


If you missed the opportunity to witness Moasure ONE in action at Traffex, there are many more chances to meet the team and have your very own Moasure ONE demo in the near future. Visit the Tradeshows & Events page to stay updated on where and when the Moasure team will be next.